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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Anniversary time!

19 December 2003 ~ 20:48

Today is my first anniversary on Diaryland! Yea me!

It is also the fifth anniversary of my younger brother�s funeral. I had a basket of yellow flowers sent to my mum to let her know we were thinking of her. She was delighted with them. You can read a bit more about my brother Steven here.

Anyway, I don�t want to be too gloomy. I know Steven would not want that. I am looking forward to Christmas and got some great presents for my mum and the husband, nightdragon. Got Mum a silk snowdrop in a pot, a set of metallic Christmas-sy nailpolish, a British wildlife calendar, and a pink underwear set. Sorry, but I can�t tell you about Mark�s gifts as he reads my diary. I want them to be a surprise!

Mark�s mom had her presents when she was over at Thanksgiving and took back the rest of his family�s stuff with her. And of the friends I bought for, one was posted some time ago and already received, and the others will get them when I see them�hopefully before Christmas if not soon after.

Speaking of Christmas, don�t you find it annoying that every year, without fail, the people you send cards to don�t send you cards, but you get a bunch of cards from people you didn't send them to! So you have to rush a card off to them, or worse, it�s too late to get anything to them in time!

Stored nuts | Future acorns
