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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Respect for Animals seal cull protest

16 March 2005 ~ 11:23

I went on my first animal rights protest yesterday, outside the Canadian High Commission. I and other members of Respect for Animals were campaigning against the bloody annual seal cull which the Canadian government subsidises. Many seals are killed (over 350,000) and a good portion of these are skinned whilst still conscious. It is heart-breaking. We handed out lots of seal soft toys with a message on them to protest to the Canadian government.

Canadian seal killers try to say that seals are depleting the stocks of cod. In fact seals eat a different species of cod to those fished by humans. These cod actually feed on the cod we eat, so the seals are actually helping our cod to survive. It is overfishing by humans, not seals, that is to blame for the decline of the Atlantic cod.

Lots of people wouldn't take the free toys. It makes me wonder if they approve the seal cull. Human beings really are the scum of the earth.

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