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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Stop shooting the doves!

14 November 2004 ~ 23:49

I�m very disturbed at something I read in the latest issue of the quarterly magazine published by the Animal Welfare Institute. (My husband nightdragon used to donate part of his wages to the AWI when he worked at UMass-Boston, and they still, many years later, send him the magazine).

It seems that several states have recently legalised the shooting of mourning doves. Lobbying by special interest groups, such as the National Rifle Association and the U.S. Sportman�s Alliance�what a bloody joke; sportsmen are athletes, gymnasts and ball players, not hunters!�have led to the undermining of public will. These states include Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin and, recently, Michigan.

Despite Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm promising to oppose legislation allowing the shooting of mourning doves whilst she was running for office, she did a blatant about-turn when elected and signed the bill.

Hunters are now trying to overturn a shooting ban in Iowa.

Mourning doves are pretty, peaceful and gentle garden birds. Many people enjoy feeding them in bird-feeders in their backyards. It is sickening to think that some monstrous people actually enjoy blasting these lovely creatures to death.

A mourning dove

The Coalition to Restore the Dove-shooting Ban needs to collect signatures in Michigan to repeal the shooting law in 2006�225,000 signatures are needed. If you live in Michigan, please visit www.stopshootingdoves.org to see how you can help.

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