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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Good one, Mum!

05 March 2006 ~ 02:13

Mum, Mark & I just got back Tuesday from a trip to Nice. We left on Saturday and, on Monday, Mum & I went to Monaco and visited the cathedral there. We saw where Princess Grace and Prince Rainier are buried. Very plain graves but lots of flowers, bears, etc. had been left on them, proving how popular they both were. I was even able to get a lovely set of stamps for mother-in-law, which were made to celebrate their marriage.

Anyway, my main point is, Mum & I have always joked that, because we love Nice so much, and I am spoken for�no meeting a nice Frenchman as I am happy with my nice American man�Mum should meet a sexy Frenchman so we have a place to stay in Nice�someone with a car who can take us to places hard to get to by public transport! (LOL)

Later, I got back from shopping to meet Mum & Mark on the benches on the seafront and, what do you know, there is Mum chatting away to this Frenchman with a suntan who was not half-bad looking! He had a full head of hair and great teeth�God I make him sound like a horse or something. But Mum has had terrible luck with men in the last few years. I know looks aren't everything�and I should talk, as Mark is blessed with them�but it would be very nice for her to have a handsome man who was also nice and kind. She's very attractive for 65 herself.

Maurice, comme lui s'appelle, didn't speak much English but he spoke a bit of the language. (A bloke once tried to chat mum up there before but spoke no English at all so it was a non-starter.) He asked Mum if she was on holiday and she said 'yes,' but she was going home that very day, but she told him she was coming back in July. He offered to meet her and take her around when she comes back and gave her his phone number. It seems that Mark and I might do well to teach her some French (we both speak it ourselves)!

Mum definitely isn't looking for marriage or anything like that�just a nice, kind person to have good fun with. She currently has a male, English friend she sees, but it's totally platonic. He has asked her to go to California with him in May on an organised tour that includes Hollywood, San Francisco, Arizona, Vegas and the Grand Canyon and he has even offered to pay for her but she is unsure whether to go.

At any rate, Maurice asked her to give him a call, just to chat. I joked that we should get a party line so I can translate for them both, lol. I think she should ring him because she has nothing to lose but a nice time. We both find French guys sexy�I suppose Mark does as well, considering he's bi�as well as Americans, of course!

By the bye, the weather was lovely, we were actually sunbathing Tuesday morning, in full clothes, but Mark has got a real tan on his face and chest. He braved it by stripping down to his Speedos, and, blimey, did it pay off�he's golden all over! My sexy boy ...!

Oh, and I have decided I want to go to Berlin sometime to see the wild boar that allegedly roam the streets! Funny, I never considered going to Germany until I found out that wild boars roam their capital city!

Stored nuts | Future acorns
