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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Euthanasia should be a right

23 June 2004 ~ 14:33

How do I feel about people that campaign against euthanasia? Well, I�d like to see them stick to their guns if they were in agony and screeching with pain, knowing they have weeks or possibly more of that suffering to endure, or else be given a quick injection. Painkillers don�t always work towards the end. And what if one literally can�t move a muscle, paralyzed, or can�t swallow? Would you want to live like that? As far as I�m concerned, Dr Death is a hero and should be given a medal not put in jail.

Funny how euthanasia is the one right animals have that we as humans don't. The sanctity of life may hold true in some cases of abortion, but the same argument, when applied to the subject of euthanasia makes me heave. Yes, life is sacred when there is quality of life, not when you�re dying anyway and have nothing but suffering left.

I can�t believe we kill healthy animals willy-nilly, even baby animals, yet if a human being is begging to have their life ended, we sit on our hands and bleat about how wrong it would be.

I know that if any of my loved ones were suffering like that, I would want them to be helped on their way. I�d do it myself, but I don�t think I should have to risk prison to do so, nor they if they did it for me.

This is the 21st century. Time to implement the right to euthanasia for people!

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