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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

I want a roach!

15 January 2004 ~ 13:36

There are a lot of insects I�m not terribly keen on, but I�d really love a pet Madagascan hissing cockroach. My friend Sue used to keep them (she had some flying ones too) and they are very fascinating creatures.

Their husbandry is not difficult. In their native environment they live in fallen logs and eat rotten fruit. In captivity, they are kept in a tank with rodent bedding, some wood to crawl on and a sponge soaked in water to drink. They eat dog food or mouse and rat mix. They also like bananas and apples and�obviously, given that they are cockroaches�don�t mind if they are over-ripe. People usually keep a group of about five together. The males are aggressive towards each other�females are not.

The only time females will hiss is if they are handled or disturbed. Males hiss at each other to warn off their rivals.

However, I don�t think I�ll be getting my pet roaches too soon. Both our mothers have stated that they categorically refuse to walk into the flat if there is any roach anywhere inside, even hidden away where they can�t be seen. And even though Mark gave me permission to get roaches if I so wanted, it is very much in doubt as to whether he�d really warm to them. Although he handled Sue�s giant millipede and her tarantulas, he absolutely could not bring himself to hold the cockroaches.

Oh well, we have our hands full for the time being with a feisty, bratty rabbit and two lovely tempered rats.

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