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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Welcome, Sky!

02 January 2003 ~ 23:30

I'm excited! On Saturday I'm bringing home a new addition to our household. A little baby rat who we're going to call Sky.

She is a Russian Blue Berkshire. That is, the colour of a Russian Blue cat, with the Berkshire bit meaning she has a white belly, hands and feet. She is six weeks old. I can't wait to meet her nor to introduce her to her 'big sisters;' our two grey females Stella and Luna. They're bound to rough her up a little at first. That's a normal rat thing just to assert dominance. But hopefully they won't actually hurt her, although my heart will break to see her frightened. I guess there's just no help for it; like your first day at school!

The reason we're getting another rat at this time is because poor Stella is not very well. She has an inoperable abscess on her liver and we don't know how much longer she's got. We don't want Luna left alone. A solitary rat is an unhappy rat. Unlike hamsters they're sociable and love to mix with other rats.

I've been keeping rats as pets since late '93 and Sky will be my 19th rat. Unfortunately they only live two to three years, so I've lost a lot of adorable little furry angels in that time. But with such a short lifespan you can only make sure they have a full and happy life. I'm sure they did with us.

May the same apply to Sky.

Stored nuts | Future acorns
