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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Summer goes to the vets

19 December 2005 ~ 15:42

Summer's breathing seems a little more laboured than it should. You can see her sides going in noticeably when she breathes in rather than just slightly noticing as you would in a healthy animal. This is exactly how little Sky's problems started and we are worried about her, although admittedly poor Sky started with her problems younger than Summer is now (Summer will be two at the end of July 2006).

We took her to the vets on Saturday to see if antibiotics or steroids would help. Unfortunately this is a common problem with rats who suffer from a thing called Mycoplasma which all rats have. It's just some rats seem worse affected than others. Luckily Autumn seems OK at the moment.

She was a good patient and let the vet examine her. The vet said steroids would weaken her immune system but she prescribed antibiotics for 14 days and we have to bring her back if there is no improvement. The vet also felt her tummy. She said something about one of her kidneys but said it wasn't serious, just to keep an eye on it. Maybe that is why Summer drinks a lot.

We planned to mix the antibiotics with chocolate pudding so she would take it ok! However, we have a problem. She won't take the medicine even in the pudding. Autumn took hers OK that way but I�m guessing Summer has more sensitive taste buds and she can taste the meds (it doesn't taste too good).

So we'll have to think of another way to get it down her. Someone suggested that we put the liquid medicine on her nose so she would lick it off, which is what her hamster did. I hope it works!

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