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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Should Britain have compulsory ID cards?

23 October 2003 ~ 14:03

I say a big fat NO to that.

They say these cards will be mandatory and we will have to pay for them at a whacking cost of �35 (though �5 for pensioners and those on benefits). But you will not have to carry them around with you.

So now they want us to pay to be allowed to officially exist? Please! Most people already have ID that contains their personal details and cost about �35. It's called a passport.

OK so everybody has to have official ID�well then, make it compulsory to get a passport. As most already have one, it will inconvenience a lot less people.

They want more info like fingerprints? Well, passports are set to include this information anyway in the next few years as per US visa regulations.

I really don't see how this will prevent ID theft. I think it will increase it. People make fake passports or buy stolen ones all the time, fake visas, fake work permits, asylum papers etc.

Are those proposing this idea really na�ve enough to believe the ID card won't be stolen and/or faked?

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