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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Squirrel health news

18 February 2006 ~ 03:37

I recently had some bad news about my health. I had had three episodes of fungal infections "down below" within weeks of each other. (I'd never had thrush before, in my entire life.) I'd also, through the summer, been constantly thirsty but not very hungry, and going to the toilet very frequently.

I had lost quite a bit of weight and my chin, which had recently become two large double chins, is now barely one extra chin. (I was never as fat as I'm making it sound, but I had a fatty face.)

I went to the doctor's and he asked me to go for a blood test. But I never bothered going. However, when I saw the doctor again, with the third episode of the infection, he asked me if I'd been for the test and when I said "no," he said it was very important that I go. So I did.

It turns out that I have become diabetic. That is to say, I am suffering from Type 2 Diabetes, which is where the pancreas hasn't actually stopped producing insulin altogether, but isn't producing enough for the body's needs.

The fungal infections, thirst and weight loss are all typical symptoms of diabetes. No wonder the doctor wanted me to be checked out for diabetes!

Some Type 2 sufferers can control diabetes with diet alone, but, turns out, I need to take tablets. The tablets enable the body to work more efficiently with the 10 percent or so of insulin produced.

So, I've had to give up my beloved Cokes altogether and now drink only Diet Coke. And it's not too bad - you can now get Diet Coke with lime, lemon or cherry! I had to give up chocolate too, though I'm sure my dentist will be very pleased because the Coke was ruining my teeth.

It's going to be a pain, because I'm a vegetarian and now my diet is even more limited. I will have to watch that I eat a very balanced diet, with lots of fruit and vegetables (being a vegetarian doesn't necessarily mean you eat a lot of vegetables!). I also found out that I have high cholesterol. I'm hoping that on my next visit to the doctor's to be put on that as well. You see, it runs in my family, and I don't think my diet has a lot to do with it. My mum eats lots of fruits, hardly any dairy products or red meat, and she is on tablets for high cholesterol (she's also very slim).

I'm hoping that my doctor's visit will reveal that my blood sugar level has dropped to a more normal range. And, I'm also going to request a monitor so that I can keep an eye on it myself.

I've been feeling sorry for myself but, if you think about it, losing weight for no reason could have a lot worse causes, so I just have to be grateful that it was only diabetes.

Nightdragon says it's a relatively "forgiving" disease. Maybe he's right.

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