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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Depressed and Dopey ratty

30 June 2006 ~ 15:10

I've been feeling a bit depressed lately. First of all about my health. I keep reading glum news about being diabetic. First I read that diabetics are four times more likely to die before the age of 53 than non diabetics, then I read that the heart of a diabetic is 15 years older phyically than their actual age.

Also, my mum's friend John, who was diabetic, recently died of a heart attack, aged only 61. It doesn't exactly cheer me up, especially as when I was first diagnosed, Mum told me 'Oh don't worry, John is diabetic and he's fine!' Right now he is hardly a shining example.

Also getting worried about money. I incurred �25 bank charges last month, and this month I have incurred �75! (About $150). Part of it is to do with the timing of when my mortgage goes out and when Mark gets paid, so I am arranging to change the date of the mortgage. But the simple fact remains that I just don't seem to have enough money coming in. Bummer!

Anyway something to cheer you up! A rat smoking dope! I think he looks really cute, but I hope it isn't a sick animal experiment, just someone clowning around. Take a look. I adore the way he is holding his little feet!

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