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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

�Praising the porcelain goddess�

15 May 2003 ~ 13:04

Well, my gorgeous other half nightdragon has told you all about our meeting Matthew Perry (Chandler Bing in Friends) at the Comedy Theatre near Piccadilly Circus, how we got his auotograph, and how he signed Mark�s Red Sox cap, saying �I like this hat.� That was cool. I�m hoping when the film is developed we�ll have at least one good photo of him too. Mark swears that he got one very good shot of him.

On Saturday, I caught the train and went up to my mum�s. She lives in Grantham, a small market town in Lincolnshire, whose two claim-to-fames being the birthplaces of both Isaac Newton and Margaret Thatcher. We went for a meal and shopped. The most significant thing that happened was that I walked out of a caf� without paying for my coffee. It was not on purpose, I just totally forgot! It�s not the first time that sort of thing has happened�especially with open plan shops. You pick something up, look at something else, think �nah, I don�t want that,� and walk out, still clutching the original item only to suddenly realise and either rush back inside to pay or run away, depending how likely you think it is that they�ll arrest you if you go back! I say it�s easily done and no one should be prosecuted for shoplifting when it�s obvious they weren�t being sneaky at all, just absent-minded.

Well, I got back from mum�s OK, but Tuesday night, when I went to bed, I started feeling a little nauseous. As the night went on, I felt worse, and about 2 a.m. I woke Mark up with the thick sounds of my retching. I was puking into the toilet bowl (�speaking on the big white telephone,� as it�s also euphemistically called). I had to get up on three occasions, vomiting several times at each occurrence. In the end I was just dry retching. Every limb ached, and today (Thursday), it still hurts my chest if I laugh or cough, etc. I had Wednesday off work and ate practically nothing all day.

Thankfully I feel a little better now but I have no idea what caused my illness. Just one of those things I guess. They call them �bugs,� don�t they? Is it because they�re microscopic little pests or because they bug you when they infect you? It could very well be for both reasons.

Stored nuts | Future acorns
