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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

The Story of Mousie

28 June 2004 ~ 20:43

Last Tuesday I found another mouse. He was right in the road and if I hadn't quickly scooped him up he would have surely been run over. He didn't look very well, just hunched up and lethargic.

I took a taxi with him to the Blue Cross Animal Hospital near Victoria Station. I didn't think he (or more probably she) had been poisoned like the other one I found as there was no sign of the greenish stuff on her back end.

The hospital took her and asked what I wanted to call her. I couldn't think of anything quickly so I just said 'Mousie.' They said I could call back later to find out how she was doing.

I rang back at 5.30 and was told she was down as needing hydration and 'TLC.' They were trying to get fluids into her.

When I rang the next day I was told she had had to be put to sleep because they just couldn't rehydrate her. Poor little mite. I don't know where house mice get water but I know there weren't any puddles around so obviously she was just literally dying of thirst. I felt very sad for Mousie but I was glad I did my best for her, despite my boss being stroppy as hell with me for taking the aftenoon off with her.

God Bless you little Mousie.

Stored nuts | Future acorns
