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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Tissue, anyone?

19 December 2002 ~ 11:24

Ah, the joys of commuting! Delays; cancellations, overcrowding, pushing and shoving�.

But it�s not about these I wish to complain. No, it�s those oh-so-annoying personal habits of my charming fellow passengers. I don�t claim to be the world�s most tolerant person, but I can just about put up with the coughing, gum chewing & mobile phone yacking. I was, however, brought up to have a few good manners, which sadly, other people these days seem to be sadly lacking in.

My two pet hates on trains have to be sniffing and yawning. And every morning without fail, lo and behold, I either get sat next to a sniffer or opposite a yawner.

Now, as we all know, yawning is infectious. You see another person yawn, you yawn, plain and simple. So why oh why (in God�s name why?) do some people insist on opening their mouths as wide as they possibly can (you can almost see their tonsils) for as long as they can, whilst emitting a great big �Ahhhhhhh!� Please! Put your hand over your mouth, you�ve got me started now. Grrrrr!

Secondly, sniffers: In a word � Handkerchief. Tissue. Snot rag. Whatever you care to call it, use it! Didn�t your mother teach you to blow your nose? We, your fellow passengers, do not want or need to hear the sound of your snot being sucked back up into your nasal passages. Funny thing is, men seem to be by far the worst contenders for the title �Train Sniffer of the Year.�

Now, that was good to get off my chest!

Stored nuts | Future acorns
