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Perching here and gathering my thoughts ...

Pet sitting dilemma

02 August 2006 ~ 11:01

On Sunday night I had a terrible accident with one of the three rat girls we are currently looking after.

I had all three out exercising in the bathroom, and went to take Mosie back, closing the door. However Vega had run up behind me and I accidentally trapped her tail. She ran into the bedroom and I quickly put Mosie and Spryte back and hurried to look for Vega.

She had gone behind the sofa in the bedroom which is difficult to get at. She was holding her tail and licking it. It took me ages to get her out but eventually I did and I examined the damage. Her tail looked like it was cut about halfway through the thickness of it.

I immediately called a cab. Our usual cab company refused to take an animal so screw them, I won't be using them any more. I got another taxi and took Vega to the emergency vet (it is my actual vets as they cover emergencies for all the local surgeries).

The vet said the wound was only skin deep but needed a stitch so he anaesthetised Vega and sutured her tail, and she was back with me 15 minutes later, wide awake. They had put a plastic syringe case over the tail, stuck on with sticking plaster, to protect it.

I'm so glad Vega was OK, I was so upset about her precious tail. However the bill was �150 (about $300) because of it being 1.30am when I brought her. I can't really afford it and I'm hoping the owners will pay me back. Afterall, it was an accident, and we have looked after these girls many times at no charge.

If they don't pay me back, I fear I won't see the girls again, because we can't afford the responsibility of paying their vet bills in case of accidents. It's enough to have responsibilty for our own pets. I'm very fond of these girls and will miss them a lot though.

Stored nuts | Future acorns
